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Urban Analytics Lab develops monitoring systems for intelligent mobility

The Nova University of Lisbon has launched NOVA cidade, a network of people and organizations led by NOVA IMS - Information Management School to develop activities that promote knowledge creation in the context of urban intelligence.


The main goals of this action were to create a favourable environment for more effective and efficient governance, to achieve sustainable urban development and to promote more active participation of citizens based on the use of information technologies and taking advantage of advanced analytical capabilities.


One of the advantages of these monitoring systems is to ensure the availability of all the resources that enable a city to become more sustainable. The leader of this project, Miguel de Castro Neto, explains that in the Urban Analytics Lab it is possible to access and collect data on different services such as the shared bicycle network, linked to smart mobility and a transport service increasingly used by residents, stressing that with the analysis carried out by the laboratory, it is possible to ensure that the user has bicycles available when he arrives at a station, as well as spaces if he wants to park this means of transport.


Security response is another of the critical pillars on which NOVA city operates. The goal is to respond quickly to the population's needs through measurement systems that facilitate city mobility and flows. The challenge is to respond to occurrences within five minutes, which is only possible due to the construction of a model that can predict the probability of road accidents in Lisbon that require the intervention of the fire brigade and civil protection.


This solution aims to make cities more efficient and intelligent using state-of-the-art technologies, making Portugal increasingly smart.